My Skin Is… Book Trailer
Start the conversation about inclusion and diversity with My Skin Is… Link to book below.

My Skin Is…
Hi Everyone! My Skin Is… This is the sequel to my first publication, My Hair Curls…
My Hair Curls Works
“My hair curls and I love it!” Unfortunately, this statement is untrue for a number of individuals with curly hair….
Its Been A While
I’m still here! It has indeed been a while. However, I’m back. Back on track and determined to remain focused….
Happy Mummy
It Works! “So pleased to know that My Hair Curls is helping someone’s little princess to love there hair.” I…
Gratitude – Week 6
The Joys of Motherhood… Most of the early part of this week was spent with me feeling like I was…
Gratitude – Week 2
Me Time… So, as you know, I am a full-time wife, mother, and I work part-time within an academy’s sixth…